Plan Your Visit

If you are planning to visit RMLBC, the following list of FAQs will help you better understand our congregation.

  • Who is the pastor? Jason Dollar, who has been our pastor since July 2009. Jason is married to Page, and they have five children. If you’d like to talk with Pastor Jason, just fill out our contact form, and he will reach out to you asap.

  • Do you have other staff? Yes, we have a children’s director (Erin Colvin) and a youth director (Luke Sellers).

  • What does RMLBC believe? You can review our beliefs here. We are theologically conservative, which means, among other things, that we believe the Bible is without error and fully authoritative in our lives.

  • How long does the morning service last? Our morning services usually last an hour and fifteen minutes. We begin at 10:30 and usually end around 11:45. The sermons are typically 30 minutes or so.

  • What kind of sermons are preached? All of the sermons come directly from the text of Scripture. The goal of our preaching is to thoroughly explain the Bible and apply it to our lives directly. If you’d like a sample of past services and sermons, check out our Facebook page.

  • What kind of music is used during the service? We blend styles by singing the three genres of worship music mentioned in Colossians 3:16. We sing (1) the great hymns of the church, (2) Psalms that have been put to melody, and (3) praise music (or spiritual songs). We’re not interested in entertaining anybody. We are interested in using different types of music to lead God’s people to his throne for worship.

  • Am I expected to give money if I visit? Financially supporting a church can be a great act of worship. However, we do not expect our guests to give, nor do we ever pressure anyone to give. That said, we do offer online giving as a convenient alternative for anyone interested in supporting the church.

  • Are your services only for people who are already committed Christians? Our services are designed to help Christians worship God and grow spiritually. However, all guests are warmly welcomed and treated with dignity. Those who are skeptical of the Christian faith are always welcome to come, observe, and explore.

  • How many people attend on a typical Sunday morning? Usually around 70–90.

  • Do you have a nursery? Yes. During our morning services we offer a nursery for children from birth through age 3. Additionally, we offer children’s church for children from age 4 through 2nd grade. If you’re interested in using the nursery, just bring your child to the gym area before the service begins. The children who attend children’s church will be dismissed from the main service and picked up in the gym area after the service concludes.

  • What do people wear to the services? Most folks dress somewhere between casual and business casual (from jeans to khakis). We are more interested in developing a heart of worship than standards of dress.

Hopefully, this gives you some guidance on what to expect when you visit. If you decide to join us for a service, you will be treated as a guest of honor.